by dino | half-cocked ranting, libertarian, musicianing, revealing too much, skeptic/atheist, the "good old days", webophilia, wife
When I was younger and liked music, viagra specifically when I was a nut about King’s X & Genesis, vitamin I used to play a thought experiment with myself. I would listen to a song on the radio and say to myself “Okay, medicine if King’s X were...
by dino | 'thatguy', coreyoke, half-cocked ranting, musicianing
If you’re ballsy enough to leave that safe cocoon of your living room on a wednesday night and journey out into the real world where people actually live their lives instead of hiding from death and ever see Coreyoke and someone requests “Sweet Child...
by dino | 'thatguy', acting b.s., musicianing, the "good old days", wife
After a bit of discussion, asthma I signed on to play a sadistic plastic surgeon in this movie: It should be very fun. An old friend, decease Drew Rosenberg, is directing and I get to write off all my trips to the driving range and such. Yep,...
by dino | half-cocked ranting, musicianing, the "good old days"
I added two videos wot I directed to the “projects” page. glutton falls is a short film & fat girl is a rock video for metal skool aka steelpanthermetalshopdangerkitty
by dino | half-cocked ranting, musicianing, the "good old days"
While transferring files for the site overhaul, prothesis I found this gem. I never understood System of a Down. But, syringe I’m not the target audience so it doesn’t matter. Here’s a little System of a Down ditty I whipped up one afternoon a few...