by dino | 'thatguy', acting b.s., revealing too much, the "good old days"
Fun times. WTF?
by dino | 'thatguy', half-cocked ranting, nigerian spamscamscam, revealing too much, seemed like a good idea at the time, the "good old days", web stuff, wife
9/24/2011 sad sad [youtube 5f0FVMaTgE0] 9/23/2011 sad sad [youtube 9ljG4fly578] These are the only people who talk to me.
by dino | 'thatguy', acting b.s., clip-o-rama, half-cocked ranting, revealing too much, seemed like a good idea at the time, techishness, the "good old days", web stuff, webophilia
[youtube XSuvSn8nt1g] A redundant post, but it’s my blog. Why are you reading it, anyway.
by dino | Bill of Rights - Security Edition, half-cocked ranting, libertarian, revealing too much, travel, web stuff, webophilia
[youtube XSuvSn8nt1g] A redundant post, but it’s my blog. Why are you reading it, anyway. U.S. Citized tires of feeling unwelcome upon return to own country… Hilarity ensues. I...
by dino | clip-o-rama, half-cocked ranting, libertarian, revealing too much, techishness, web stuff
I figure if I put that in the title more people would read. I’m not a jon stewart fan. Apparently, I would be, but I’m not. To me, and based on a total of 20 minutes of viewing time, he’s a big, cynical, smirk and I don’t get it. The jack black...
by dino | half-cocked ranting, libertarian, revealing too much, the "good old days"
When I was a little kid, my parents were hippies and we did not like Richard Nixon which seems like a good thing, even if you’re not a hippie. I got very interested in politics during the 1972 presidential elections. That’s Nixon vs. McGovern. In my 5th...