by dino | Bill of Rights - Security Edition, charlatans on parade, half-cocked ranting, libertarian, seemed like a good idea at the time, the "good old days", travel, web stuff, webophilia
Rocktober 26th is the 10th anniversary of the USA PATRIOT ACT. Let’s stand up and cheer for that, shall we? Or how about hanging our heads in shame. That’s the day that citizens and politicians went bonkers and passed laws limiting the freedom of citizens...
by dino | 'thatguy', half-cocked ranting, nigerian spamscamscam, revealing too much, seemed like a good idea at the time, the "good old days", web stuff, wife
9/24/2011 sad sad [youtube 5f0FVMaTgE0] 9/23/2011 sad sad [youtube 9ljG4fly578] These are the only people who talk to me.
by dino | 'thatguy', acting b.s., clip-o-rama, half-cocked ranting, revealing too much, seemed like a good idea at the time, techishness, the "good old days", web stuff, webophilia
[youtube XSuvSn8nt1g] A redundant post, but it’s my blog. Why are you reading it, anyway.
by dino | 'thatguy', acting b.s., half-cocked ranting, libertarian, parenting, revealing too much, seemed like a good idea at the time, the "good old days", wife
I write this with the complete understanding that I was in a movie called Ski School II. In Atlas Shrugged, there is a section where the head of the science institute sells himself out and murders what science means to people. From that point on, science means...
by dino | 'thatguy', half-cocked ranting, nigerian spamscamscam, parenting, revealing too much, seemed like a good idea at the time, techishness, the "good old days", web stuff, webophilia, wife
Tech Recruiters: I have great pity for these fine folks – it seems like a horrible job, and I suppose that they behave the way they behave because of behavior on both my side of the industry and the employer side of the industry. But, MANOHMAN, can they be...
by dino | 'thatguy', acting b.s., Bill of Rights - Security Edition, half-cocked ranting, libertarian, nigerian spamscamscam, parenting, revealing too much, seemed like a good idea at the time, techishness, the "good old days", v.o., web stuff, wife
I just read another article about another person who did something horrible in the name of god. She killed her child* because she thought he was possessed by the devil. Of course she’s insane, probably schizophrenic as they often have lots of fun god stuff going...