by dino | 'thatguy', acting b.s., parenting
I did a cool little part on a TV Show called “Southland”. Because I’m an idiot, I didn’t realize it was the season opener which aired last week. The episode is called “Wednesday”. Crap.
by dino | 'thatguy', acting b.s., revealing too much, the "good old days"
Fun times. WTF?
by dino | 'thatguy', half-cocked ranting, nigerian spamscamscam, revealing too much, seemed like a good idea at the time, the "good old days", web stuff, wife
9/24/2011 sad sad [youtube 5f0FVMaTgE0] 9/23/2011 sad sad [youtube 9ljG4fly578] These are the only people who talk to me.
by dino | 'thatguy', acting b.s., clip-o-rama, half-cocked ranting, revealing too much, seemed like a good idea at the time, techishness, the "good old days", web stuff, webophilia
[youtube XSuvSn8nt1g] A redundant post, but it’s my blog. Why are you reading it, anyway.
by dino | 'thatguy', acting b.s., half-cocked ranting, libertarian, parenting, revealing too much, seemed like a good idea at the time, the "good old days", wife
I write this with the complete understanding that I was in a movie called Ski School II. In Atlas Shrugged, there is a section where the head of the science institute sells himself out and murders what science means to people. From that point on, science means...
by dino | 'thatguy', half-cocked ranting, nigerian spamscamscam, parenting, revealing too much, seemed like a good idea at the time, techishness, the "good old days", web stuff, webophilia, wife
Tech Recruiters: I have great pity for these fine folks – it seems like a horrible job, and I suppose that they behave the way they behave because of behavior on both my side of the industry and the employer side of the industry. But, MANOHMAN, can they be...