by dino | Uncategorized
THEATER REVIEWS’Bukowsical!’ is seeking supportIn the hilarious opening number of “Bukowsical!” running at Sacred Fools, information pills we are informed, “there’s a little Bukowski in all of you too.” That sounds about...
by dino | Uncategorized
sold out show. standing ovation. l.a. times. l.a. weak-ly. variety. backstage west.the audience even made the cast come back for another bow.what i’m trying to say is that the show killed tonight. holy fuck.
by dino | Uncategorized
the thoroughbred is restless and ready to speed out of the gate.i think…there is this odd tradition with actors where they have a mediocre final dress. i’ve done it. everyone does it and it seems so stupid and wrong and counterintuitive and yet… we...
by dino | Uncategorized
i booked some sort of part in a national miller lite commercial. not sure what i’ll be doing. i’m shooting it tomorrow. peter farrelly is the director.he owes me this gig after hiring jeff daniels instead of me for dumb y dumber. i coulda used that million...
by dino | Uncategorized
hmmm… maybe that’s what the show will be called.buk’s widow has contacted gary, dosage the composer, and we’re trying to get her in contact with john, the producer, so everything gets smoothed out.the reality is that since he’s a public...
by dino | Uncategorized
You advertise DirecTV with Tivo here: yet the unit you’ve sold me is not tivo. I want the features that TIVO has not the DirecTV features. I am now STUCK with two units that are worthless to me. I spoke to a...