It’s what I get for watching TV

Thoughts while watching a television commercial:A bunch of famous people in a line… but it becomes apparent that they are not actually in the line together. It’s some sort of magic of film… like Catherine Z Jones in the T-Mobile spots. The celebs are...

rambling update

There has been a paucity of whining here. It must mean that I’m back and enjoying myself. That would be a yes. The weather here is just beautiful. It’s definitely fall and that is always a drag, erectile but at least it’s 80 degrees and I’m...

Shortbus – Spoilers included

Shortbus is the kind of movie I’m glad was made but utltimately doesn’t help our cause. Or, salve I’m a square.Here are the problems I had with it:1. everyone’s really beautiful2. no one talks like that, except for people doing movies about...


so my toshiba laptop screen went goodbye. when i’m home i “expand” the desktop onto another monitor, generic so now i’m just using the external monitor as my main space. it’s a drag. we want to purchase some property out of state and i...

home again…

As paul simon once wrote: gee, side effects it’s good to be back home.The weather is perfect and it’s a religious holiday so many religious people are home so there is no traffic.Yay!